You’re Invited
The Welcome Party is an opportunity for you to get to know more about the history, mission, and future vision for our church. You will also learn how you can get involved, because that’s where the fun starts! We want you to build relationships and experience the purpose that comes with being part of the family! If you are new to Red Rocks Church we encourage you to join us. You can attend the Welcome Party Saturdays at 5:30 pm and Sundays at 11:45 am.
What to Expect
Do I need to register ahead of time?
For all of the planners out there registration is available ahead of time, but not required. We will have a team of people who will help with registration the day of at each of our locations.
When and where is Welcome Party?
The Welcome Party runs every Saturday at 5:30 pm and every Sunday at 11:45 am in the Home Room downstairs. Look for the big Welcome Party banner or ask someone with a badge if you need help finding the party!
What can I expect at the Welcome Party?
The Welcome Party is an opportunity for you to learn a little bit of history about our church, meet your campus staff, and learn what it looks like to be part of the family here at Red Rocks Church. We don’t do membership, we do family and we can’t wait to be a part of the journey God has you on.
Have more questions?
Email us at
Spiritual Gifts
What are Spiritual Gifts?
In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul talks about certain gifts that the Spirit gives those who are followers of Jesus. We all have unique giftings and like a body that is made up of many parts, we are called to use our individual gifts to serve the greater whole when it comes to spreading the message of Jesus. We are most effective when we lead and serve in places we are naturally gifted to serve in.
The Spiritual Gifts Assessment will ask you a series of questions that will help identify the spiritual gifts you’ve been given. At the end of your assessment, there will be a few team suggestions that might pair well with your giftings. This is a great tool for you to use to find out what ministry areas would be a good fit!