Porn is a problem. It tears apart families, ruins relationships and keeps us spiraling in shame. It’s time to fight back! Sex is God’s idea. He has a beautiful vision for your freedom, redemption and intimacy that starts with protecting yourself, educating yourself and surrounding yourself.
Protect yourself
Why resist a future temptation that you have the power to eliminate today? These websites have helpful tools for screen accountability to protect yourself and your devices from future temptation. Install one of these browsers on ALL of your devices to replace Chrome or Safari. They eliminate your pornographic access and allow you to live in accountability.
Pornography blocking browsers:

XXX Church
XXXchurch is a website developed by Live Free Ministries promoting a Christian ideology to try to help with pornography and sex addiction.
Educate Yourself
The world may preach that pornography is harmless, but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s a twisting of God’s design for sex that makes intimacy with your spouse (or future spouse) a challenge and pollutes your brain. It’s time to educate yourself about the harmful effects of porn.
With God’s help, you’ll find the strength to fight the battles you know you must win: the ones that determine the state of your heart, the quality of your marriage, and the spiritual health of those you love most.
Fight the New Drug (FTND) is a nonprofit that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.
Surround Yourself
You can’t fight this battle on your own. It’s time to get into a group and surround yourself with people who are willing to be in your corner.

denver campuses – Recover
Recover is a Christ-centered ministry designed to walk alongside people as they seek to recover wholeness, as God intended, from anything disrupting in their life. Click here to view dates and times.

denver campuses – Support Groups
A blend of community and group life, with an emphasis on healing from an array of issues including sexual abuse, mental illness, abortion, and more. Click here to view open groups and sign up.

Join a Group
We believe that life is meant to be done together! Lead a group or join an existing group that matches your stage of life and interests. Click here to view open groups and sign up.