Make Your Giving Recurring
Make your giving recurring so that you give on a consistent basis at an amount and frequency that works for you.
One-Time Gift
Give a one-time gift and pick the fund you’re interested in supporting with your tithe or offering.
Start the Generosity Challenge
Begin your giving journey by committing to give each week in a scheduled and recurring donation.
5 Lanes of Giving
Download our app
What is a tithe?
Financial giving in a church setting is done in two ways: tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches that we worship the Lord by bringing Him our tithe, which is typically 10% of our annual income. When we give above and beyond our tithe, it’s called an offering.
How do I see my giving statement for taxes?
Your giving statement is available anytime throughout the year through our church database, Rock. After logging into Rock, you can easily access your giving statement at any time.
Click here for a step-by-step guide of how to access your giving statement in Rock.
How do I give online?
Our online giving is done through PushPay. Use your PushPay account login to monitor your giving and edit your giving any time you would like to!
I prefer to give by check, is there a way to do that?
We understand, you can simply mail your check to Red Rocks Church, 9132 West Bowles Ave, Littleton, CO 80123
Can I give in person?
Give cash or check during our weekend services in one of our giving boxes located near the auditorium doors.
What if I want to edit my recurring giving?
You can do this easily through your PushPay account, simply log in, edit your recurring giving, and the new amount will be updated for your ongoing giving. If you change banks or cards, you can also edit that information in PushPay.
What is
Kingdom Builders
Kingdom Builders is our annual Year-End Giving series—where we prepare our hearts and ask God what He’s asking of us. Generosity is at the heart of Red Rocks Church and during this series we invite our church to join us in generosity.
Watch the Kingdom Builders Series
I give because it builds my relationship with God as I trust Him with my finances. I give because it builds the Kingdom of God locally, nationally, and around the world. My giving provides a church environment where God draws people into a relationship with Him. I choose to give here and now so together we impact others with the love of Jesus Christ.
Together we make Heaven more crowded — I am a KINGDOM BUILDER.
Take Your Next Step
Give Now
Select your campus:
Arvada, CO
Lakewood, CO
Littleton, CO
Park Meadows, CO
Austin, TX
Brussels, BE
(I do not attend a physical location)
Give a One-Time Gift
Select your campus:
Arvada, CO
Lakewood, CO
Littleton, CO
Park Meadows, CO
Austin, TX
Brussels, BE
(I do not attend a physical location)

Year-End Giving
Build With Us
select your campus
Arvada, CO
Lakewood, CO
Littleton, CO
Park Meadows, CO
Austin, TX
Brussels, BE
(I do not attend a physical location)
Take Your Next Step
Get Started on the Generosity Challenge
Select your campus:
Arvada, CO
Lakewood, CO
Littleton, CO
Park Meadows, CO
Austin, TX
Brussels, BE
(I do not attend a physical location)
Make Your Giving Recurring
Just choose “Set up recurring” and pick the frequency of your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly tithes.
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
Malachi 3:10 NIV
We believe that tithing is simply giving ten percent of our income back to God. We’ve seen God provide abundantly in our church and we know God will provide for you and your family when you put Him first in your finances. In fact, it’s the one area in the Bible where God tells you to test Him.
One Time Gift
God made each of us unique including how we make a difference through our giving. Just choose “Give One Time” and pick the fund you’re interested in supporting for your offering.
Start the Generosity Challenge
“The Generosity Challenge” is for anyone who loves God and Red Rocks Church and commits to give generously to God through Red Rocks. This is a great first step to take in beginning to trust God on a weekly basis with our finances and to demonstrate our dependence on Him. The Generosity Challenge is for anyone who gives $20 per week through an online, recurring, scheduled donation.
We believe taking the Generosity Challenge will begin a fulfilling life-long journey of trusting God, seeing His provision, and watching your generosity make a real difference in the lives of people.
Legacy Giving
The Legacy Team is a group of individuals or couples who are called and equipped to give above and beyond their tithe to help finance the mission of Red Rocks Church and accelerate the vision. Legacy team members identify as having the gift of generosity and desire to leave a legacy of impact.