Do you want to get closer to God, but don’t know where to start?


We've got you

Next Steps

Watch Videos

The next three videos are tools to help you take steps toward pursuing God in a real and authentic way. You will learn why prayer, the Bible, and people are so important to your life.

21-Day Plan

This devotional will answer questions and guide you through the basics of the Bible, so you can start having a real, living, thriving, life-changing relationship with God.

Have a Question?

You may have a lot of questions as you start to navigate your walk with Jesus! You don’t have to do this alone. Contact a campus pastor or campus staff, they are available to help answer some of life’s questions with you!

These videos were created to help guide you through the basics of your faith, so you can start having a thriving and life-changing relationship with God today.


Just like with any relationship you’re trying to improve, the more you talk, the closer you get.


Just like with any relationship you’re trying to improve, the more you talk, the closer you get.


The Bible is the Word of God—alive, active, and able to transform your life.


The Bible is the Word of God–alive, active, and able to transform your life.


You have to follow Jesus for yourself, but you were not made to follow Jesus by yourself.


You have to follow Jesus for yourself, but you were not made to follow Jesus by yourself.

Bonus: Baptism

For those of us who make a decision to respond to God’s great love for us, by receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior, scripture is clear that the next step is water Baptism.

Bonus: Baptism

For those of us who make a decision to respond to God’s great love for us, by receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior, scripture is clear that the next step is water Baptism.

Just Getting Started

A 21-Day Devotional to Jump-Start Your Faith

Putting your faith in Jesus is the best decision you could ever make. God loves you so much that he gave His Son so that you can be forgiven, redeemed, saved, and given a brand-new life (John 3:16)! But that’s just the beginning. When you begin a relationship with God, you get Heaven forever and embark on a brand-new life today. We designed this 21-day devotional to help you get started!

Have a Question? Talk with a Pastor

We know lots of questions come up when walking through life. Our campus pastor and campus staff would love to connect with you. Whether you have a question about sending your child to Red Rocks Kids or Youth, how to get connected, or just a question about life, the best place for you to reach out would be to your campus staff.

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Russ Daly

Arvada Campus Pastor

ATX Campus Pastor Ethan

Ethan Matott

Austin Leadership Team

Conrad Bess

Littleton Campus Pastor

Park Meadows Campus Pastor James

James Keathley

Park Meadows Campus Pastor

Dakota Alvarez

Lakewood Campus Pastor