Year-End Offering
Let’s Go Change the World!
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Lakewood, CO
Littleton, CO
Park Meadows, CO
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Brussels, BE
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Recurring Giving
What is recurring giving?
Recurring giving is committing to consistent generosity. You set the amount you’d like to give and the frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly), and then let it do the work for you. If you’ve never given consistently, this is a great place to start.
Why should I set up recurring giving?
This step, no matter the amount, trains your heart and mind to give consistently.
Select your campus to set up recurring giving:
ArvadaLakewoodLittletonPark MeadowsAustinBrusselsOnline
What is tithing?
Tithing is recurring giving that brings 10% of income back to God through the local church. Why 10%? We see the word “tithe” throughout the Bible and it is the Hebrew word for “tenth.”
Why should I tithe?
The Bible instructs believers (Malachi 3:10) to bring a tenth of our income back to God through the church. We believe God will provide for you and your family when you put Him first in your finances. In fact, it’s the one area in the Bible where God tells you to test Him.
Select your campus to set up tithing:
ArvadaLakewoodLittletonPark MeadowsAustinBrusselsOnline
What is the Legacy Team?
The Legacy Team is an opportunity for those who are called and equipped to help finance the mission of “Making Heaven More Crowded” by living out a legacy of generosity by giving above and beyond their tithe.
Why should I join the Legacy Team?
Joining the Legacy Team connects you with a team who can share vision and dreams for the future of Red Rocks Church.
Think the Legacy Team might be for you?
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Why We Give
At Red Rocks Church we believe that giving is an act of obedience and is rooted in scripture (Proverbs 3:9). When we give we build our relationship with God as we trust Him with our finances. Together our giving goes further so that we can go change the world!