Today, speak a word of encouragement into the life of someone around you. Do you see a talent or gift in them that they have not recognized in themselves? Tell them what you see. Tell a family member all the reasons you appreciate them. Make a phone call, send a text, write a letter, leave a note, or tell someone in person. Whatever you decide, use your words to fill someone up today.
Create a care package for a friend or family member. Place it on their porch and text them to “Check their porch :).” Want to be anonymous? Ring and run!
- Soup, Gatorade, a cute mug, and a note for someone who’s sick.
- Chick-fil-A and a loving note to a friend.
- A gift basket with note, a candle, and some of their favorite candy.
Spending intentional time with someone is one of the most loving things we can do. God has given you people to pour time and love into. Who might need your time and love most right now? Maybe it’s a close friend, your children, your spouse, a parent, or someone else. Spend today giving them the gift of your love, time, and attention.
If you would like to particiapate in Love Our City through giving, please select your campus below and be sure to select the “Outreach/Special Offering” fund.
Arvada, CO
Lakewood, CO
Littleton, CO
Park Meadows, CO
Austin, TX
Brussels, BE