We understand the impact that mental health has on individuals and families within Red Rocks Church, and we want to equip you for the fight you are facing! On this page you will find some of our most requested resources, and we hope that these tools can be of use to you, your neighbors, your friends, and the people in your circle.

Attacking Anxiety Sermon Series

Alive and Free Sermon Series

Hope: Sermon Series by Young Adults

Attacking Anxiety by Shawn Johnson
In Attacking Anxiety, Shawn vulnerably shares about this dark time and offers those familiar with that same struggle everything he’s learned in his battles with anxiety, depression, and hopelessness.
Attacking Anxiety Discussion Guide
Guided questions to help you find freedom from anxiety and depression individually or with a group.
God's Promises
Twenty promises and Bible verses inspired by Attacking Anxiety that remind us who we are and who God is.
Scriptures to Stand On
Here are verses and reminders of who we are in Christ and what we can accomplish through His power and love.

Attend a Recover Gathering
Attend a Recover Gathering: Recover is a community of people who gather to provide loving support, encouragement, and accountability as each person works through his or her life’s struggle. Click here to learn about our weekly gatherings in Arvada and Littleton.

Join a Support Group
Red Rocks Church Support Groups are a blend of community and group life, with an emphasis on healing from an array of issues including sexual abuse, mental illness, abortion, and more. Click here to view open groups and sign up.