Child Dedication is a public commitment parents make before God, Red Rocks Church, their family and friends. It’s here that parents are given the opportunity to express their desire to lead and raise their children to know and follow Jesus.
We do our best to make this a great time for families. Families will attend a short, special service, just for them! They’ll hear from their family’s Children’s Pastor, sign a covenant indicating their desire to raise their child to know and follow Jesus, and have a time of prayer surrounded by their friends and family. Parents will also receive a specialized gift, complimentary family portrait, and enjoy dessert refreshments after the service.
Space is limited so once registration opens, sign up! You will receive an email from your campus’ Children’s Pastor confirming your registration and giving you all the additional information you need to know.
We’re excited and honored to partner with our Red Rocks Church parents in this important moment of their family’s life.
Please follow us on Instagram to stay updated on future Child Dedication dates.
What is the age limit on Child Dedication?
While Red Rocks does not have a set age requirement for child dedication, the average age for a child to be dedicated is 0 to five years old, although many parents dedicate children much older than that, often for the following reasons:
- The parent(s) are new believers in Christ and their children were not dedicated when they were infants.
- The parent(s) are having a younger child dedicated and want to have their older child dedicated at the same time.
What is the difference between Child Dedication and Infant Baptism?
Child Dedication is an opportunity for parents to make a covenant with God to raise their Child in a Christ-like manner. At Red Rocks Church, we feel that baptism is something done only after the person has made a conscious choice to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. We don’t baptize children until they are of an age when they can make a decision for themselves to follow Christ and then be baptized, generally around the age of ten or older.
How does the ceremony work?
When you arrive, you will check in with a staff member. You will be shown to your row, where you and your family will be seated for the Child Dedication ceremony. Shortly after checking in, you will introduce us to the child that you are dedicating. After our campus pastor speaks and prays for you, we will pray for the children being dedicated. Following the ceremony, we will provide a light dessert refreshment to celebrate this special event and give you an opportunity to fellowship with family and friends. We will have a photographer on hand to take family pictures, which will be available in a few weeks.
How many people can I invite?
It is very hard for us to put a number limit on this special event because family sizes vary so widely. We want you to feel free to invite grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other special people, but we do have limited space for this event. Because of this, we ask each family to limit their guests to up to 10 people.
How long does the dedication last?
The ceremony itself is rather short, about 30 minutes.
What should we wear?
As with most events at RRC, there is no set dress code. Most of our families, however, do tend to dress up a bit more than they would for Sunday service. Please feel free to wear whatever you wish!