what’s happening?

Red Rocks Church

Month of March

at Red Rocks Church | Month of March

Kids Camp

Sign your kids grades K-5th to join us June 2-5, 2025 from 9AM-12PM for 4 days filled with Bible stories, field-day activities, sports, games, snacks, worship and more! More information here.

Baptism / Baptism filming

If you’ve recently started a relationship with Jesus or haven’t yet taken your next step by getting baptized, we’d love to invite you to sign up for our next baptism on May 3 and 4. Register here.

If you’d like to share your story with your church family, we’d love for you to sign up to film your testimony! Filming is the weekend after March 29 & 30. You can sign up to get baptized and/or share your story here.



Men’s Basketball register.

Coed Indoor Soccer register.

Men’s Flag Football register.


Glow in the dark Pickleball Tournament register.


Coed Outdoor Volleyball register.

Golf Simulator League register.


Upcoming Support Groups:

Joy Filled Relationships: Thursdays | April 3 – April 24, 6:00–7:30 PM @ Littleton Campus register.
Forgiven and Set Free (Abortion Recovery): Thursdays, 6:30-8:00 PM @ Littleton, beginning April 3. Register here.


On Friday March 28, our Recover Ministry is celebrating 10 years of running as a ministry and you’re all invited to the party at our Littleton campus at 6:30pm! Like an open house, this will be a great night for anyone to come see the ministry for your first time or stop in if you haven’t been in a while.

Be a part of a community that gathers weekly to provide support, encouragement, and accountability. Monday nights at Arvada and Friday nights at Littleton. more info.


Join a Group

We believe that growth and life happens best in community, which is why we encourage you to find your people and get in a group. Find a group here.


opportunities to connect

New Here

If you’re new to Red Rocks Church, welcome! We hope you know you are loved, valued, and welcome here just as you are. We would love to give you a welcome gift—please fill out this form so we can get in touch with you.

Start Here

Welcome Party

You are invited to a weekly opportunity to get to know more about the history, mission, and future vision of red rocks church as well as learn more about the part you can play in our community.

Register Here

Ready to get Involved?

Learn more about the different ministries and groups that you can be a part of at Red Rocks Church. Find groups, classes, and serving opportunities to help you pursue the plans of God.

Learn More