In a world of sensory overload, God wants to give you a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). On this page, you will find topics and resources about mental health, ultimately giving you hope that having a sound mind is possible in Christ. We want to equip you for the fight you are facing! We hope these tools can be useful to you, your friends and family, and the people in your circle.

Attacking Anxiety Sermon Series

Alive and Free Sermon Series

Hope: Sermon Series by Young Adults

Attacking Anxiety by Shawn Johnson
In Attacking Anxiety, Shawn vulnerably shares about this dark time and offers those familiar with that same struggle everything he’s learned in his battles with anxiety, depression, and hopelessness.

Winning the War in Your Mind for Teens by Craig Groeschel
In Winning the War in Your Mind for Teens, Groeschel explains how you too can challenge your thinking and change the course of your life for the better, revealing the strategies he’s found that help.
Verses to Stand On
God's Promises
Sound Mind Devo

During the month of April, we will be going through our mental health series, Sound Mind. In this series, we will not only normalize their struggle but also explore topics and resources relating to mental health and ultimately give them hope that having a sound mind is possible in Christ. We have youth at all four locations: Arvada, Lakewood, Littleton, and Park Meadows. Click here to learn more about Red Rocks Youth.

Finding a counselor can be challenging, but here at Red Rocks Church, we have created a resource page where you can find Christian Counselors, Counseling Organizations, and Counseling specialists who can help you with your specific needs. Click here to find a list of counseling options.